Good news for the seeker: God wants to be found

Many of you know people who are seeking to begin a relationship with the living God. Some of you are in that position. I have good news for the seeker: the God of this universe wants to be found. He loves and cares for each of us, wanting each one to be part of His family so that He can love them as a good father loves a child, and also as a faithful friend loves a friend.

Rather than try to provide an answer for the intensely personal journey of a seeker, may I suggest the following for those seeking God: ask Him, “Please show me who You are, and I will follow You.” If a seeker prays that prayer sincerely, I believe He will lead and direct that person into the truth about who He is and the steps to take to enter into a personal relationship with God.

Keywords: seeker, evangelism, prayer

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